Monday, May 4, 2015

The Road to Transition

As a counselor and administrator who works in higher education, this time of year is always so filled with enthusiasm and hope!  Graduation time holds great promise for so many people as they make the "natural transition" to the next step in life.   But what is a natural transition?  Many students feel so overwhelmed as they are trying to figure out what should come next.   They feel immense pressure from parents, professors and peers as they continually have to address the question of what’s next.  I often have students break down in tears in my office since they are so afraid of what comes after the pomp and circumstance has died down.

It might be a relief for students to know that there is no such thing as a “natural” transition.  The decisions that they take can lead them down a variety of paths.   Also, if they don’t like the decision that they have made then there is always an opportunity to re-evaluate and make a different choice.   I remember a special moment in my college career when I was strolling across campus with one of my favorite professors expressing my concern about the next step in my life.   He looked me squarely in the face and just declared, “Just remember…the journey is the goal”…and promptly walked off.  I stood there reflecting on his words and realizing how true they were.  That was exactly what I needed to hear at that moment in time.  Our entire lives are filled with next steps.   Those steps add up to our journey in life.   It should be an exciting and invigorating time, not a fearful one!

So, take a deep breath and embrace your journey!  It is unique to you and will all make sense in the end.   Treasure the memories and experiences of this moment in time.   Just remember, the path to your great potential is often straight through your greatest fear!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

As we all prepare for JMU commencement, I wanted to take a moment to write a few helpful tips for the new graduates!   Graduation is such an exciting time!  You will receive such encouraging and optimistic comments from so many people.  After the excitement dies down make sure that you gear up!

Most students are so focused on final exams that they haven’t taken the time to send out their resumes, build their network and really think about the next step.   Preparing for the next stage takes time.  You have to dedicate the same vigor and energy to making a successful transition.

If you haven’t already done so, consult with professors, advisors, counselors and other university resources to make sure that you are benefitting from their advice.   Revisit your “linkedin” profile and update your education and professional sections and add a professional headshot.  Use the search feature to find and follow companies that interest you.   Use the graduation time to connect with adults from a variety of industries to help you further understand the world of work.
Take advantage of all of the social gatherings to boost up your network!   Remember, the #1 way to find a job is by networking!  Finally, you will continue to want to do all of these actions throughout your career.  Career development is lifelong!  You will always want to find and maintain connections and re-evaluate your career path!
Congratulations graduates!   We are proud of all of you and wish you the best! 

Celebrating our special student workers today! Big thanks to Joe Straub for sharing all your talent with our center!

The College of Business Academic Services Center (ASC) would like to thank our wonderful student workers for all their help this year!

Pictured here are our student workers who will be graduating, Lauren Crain (left) and Julie Anderson (right).   Fortunately, we will be keeping Joe Straub on staff for another year!  Thank you again for all your hard work and cheerful dispositions!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Wait List Procedure for College of Business Classes

As enrollment for fall courses begins on Monday, April 6, the College of Business wants to ensure you are prepared for this process.

First, check your enrollment appointment day/time on MyMadison.

Second, take a look at MyMadison to ensure you do not have a ‘hold’ which prevents you from registering.  All such holds must be removed before you are allowed to register.  Registering for courses as close to your enrollment appointment as possible will prevent many problems.

Third, some lower-level BBA core courses now have a special requisite which prevents students with previous grades of C- or B- from registering for a ‘repeat’.  Please pay special attention to the ‘Notes’ section of the course description in class search.

Fourth, understand the ‘waitlist’ process.  The College of Business is now using waitlists in lieu of the override request period.  The waitlist has many features that are extremely beneficial to students:  1)  once on the waitlist, you don’t have to constantly check MyMadison for openings; 2) you are auto-enrolled and notified when a seat becomes available and you’re next on the waitlist; 3) it is a first-come, first-serve process; and 3) upper-classmen have priority, assuming they register for the waitlist at the time of their enrollment appointment.

The following should answer your basic questions about waitlists:

·         Registration on a waitlist does not guarantee a seat in the class.

·         A yellow triangle indicates a waitlist exists for that section AND the waitlist is open for registration.  Follow this tutorial.

·         A blue square indicates the class is closed, and if there’s a waitlist on that class, it is also closed.

·         You will be notified if you are registered for the course off the waitlist. 

·         The College of Business is no longer accepting override requests for closed courses, time conflicts, and preferences.  Please do not contact the professor, department or your advisor.

·         Waitlists are being monitored daily during the registration cycle.  Demand will addressed by increasing caps if/when allowed.

·         Please view the tutorial if you wish to ‘swap’ classes via the waitlist.

These processes are in place to ensure fairness to all while registering for classes.  Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during the enrollment period!



Wednesday, January 14, 2015

How exciting! Career and Internship Opportunities in the Business Side of Google on 1/22, 5:00 - 7:00

 The JMU College of Businesses is pleased to welcome Exie Huntington, a University Programs Specialist from Google, who will be presenting “Career and Internship Opportunities in the Business Side of Google.” This special presentation will cover topics such as:

  • The history, culture, and business of Google.
  • An introduction to Google's non-technical and business focused careers.
  • Internship and undergraduate educational programming opportunities at Google based on your class year:
  • What does Google look for when hiring?
  • How does Google hire?
  • Learn helpful resume tips/tricks, how to frame your experiences, and how to stand out on paper.
  • Learn Google’s interviewing format and the necessary adjustments to make for phone or Hangout interviews.
  • BOLD (Seniors)
  • AdCamp (Juniors)
  • Immersion (Sophomores)
  • Discovery (Freshmen)
We encourage Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior students in the College of Business to attend.
Mark your calendars now for Thursday, January 22 from 5:00pm – 7:00pm in Showker Hall, Room 105. For questions, please contact Dr. Clarke at