Tuesday, February 28, 2012

JMU Public Safety Tips for Spring Break Travel!

The James Madison University Department of Police & Public Safety would like to remind you to take just a couple of minutes to properly prepare before leaving Harrisonburg for the upcoming school break.  Many of these tips are intended for students but can just as easily apply to faculty and staff as well and can be adapted by everyone for their day to day safety in any community.  

SECURE YOUR PROPERTY•    Take anything of value, especially small items, home with you.  (i.e. iPods, laptops, jewelry, etc.)
•    Lock your dorm room, private space, apartment or office when you leave for break.
•    Close and lock all windows and sliding glass doors.  Place wooden dowel in sliding glass door

      track.  (You can purchase wooden dowels at your local hardware store.)
•    If you leave your vehicle in a campus parking lot or at your apartment complex, place all

      valuables out of site, secure them in the trunk and lock your doors.  Try to leave vehicle parked
      under a streetlight.
•    If you have a bicycle, check with your hall staff to see if it is okay to leave your bicycle in your

      room over break.  If you cannot leave it in your room, secure it to a bike rack.
•    If you live off-campus, secure your bicycle in your apartment.
•    Write down all your serial numbers for your valuables, take pictures of them and store in a safe


THE 511 SYSTEM•    What is the 511 system?
•    The 511 system is a one-stop resource for all the information you need for making your travel
      plans.  The 511 system has real-time traffic conditions, route planning and information about
      alternative ways to travel without a car.
•    You can access the 511 system from any phone (dial 511) or computer <http://www.511virginia.org
•    Before leaving for break, check your travel route at http://www.511virginia.org for any delays
      or major road construction projects.
•    If you are delayed, call 511 to get an alternate travel route.
•    To see if your home state is part of the 511 System, go to
For additional public safety information visit our website at  http://www.jmu.edu/pubsafety/ Thank you and have a safe break!

Join us for the Information Session for Management Majors - Wed, 2/29 - ZS G7 @ 12:20

Curious about the concentrations in management?  Not sure you understand the concentrations?  During this session, JMU Faculty members will explain what the concentrations offer and what you can do with a management major.  They will also explain the related management  organizations for students! 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fear regret more than failure. ~ Taryn Rose

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
Don't play it safe!...

Work tirelessly to figure out your purpose and what you were meant to do on this earth. If you have to test different jobs and experiences to find what you like, by all means do it. Apathy and fear of failure are your enemy, experimentation is your friend.

Finding your purpose takes courage and a willingness to stumble. You will likely open some wrong doors before you open the right door. Don't expect the path to be linear and predictable -- be okay with the journey having its ups and downs.

If and when others try to talk you into taking some coveted path, remember that you are the one who will reflect back on your life one day. In that reflection, you will likely ask yourself some variant of this question: "Did I fear regret more than failure?"

Most of all - don't settle. Settling is about protecting yourself from risk. Settling means ignoring your inner GPS, stifling your true wishes, and talking yourself out of your dreams. And continuously settling leads to live a life of disappointment.

How will you know when you find your purpose?
You will feel you were born to do it. You will have a voracious appetite for the subject matter. And most of all, you will know that there is a way that you can deliver your information or service in a way that no one else can.
When you create something that is born out of your true purpose, people can sense your honesty and passion. Conversely, when you play a role that you're not, people see your insincerity a mile away. You can't concoct passion.
Finding your purpose is the hard part. Making a life out of it is easy.
When you find your passion, it will change you. You'll work much harder. You'll be flabbergasted by the sense of fulfillment you have after a day's work. You'll find emotional and intellectual resources inside yourself that you never knew you had.

Most of all, you will find that your purpose is like a propeller. It will supercharge your intellect, your capabilities, and your raw talents, and give you deep reserves of power.

As you continually revisit and refine your purpose, remember to pull others up. Boost those who have less confidence, experience, or pedigree than you. Illustrate for them how you see their potential and encourage them to think big about the future -without limits.

Get out there. Be gutsy. Be brave. Go for it!

"Inspire Me Today", written by Selena Rezvani

Want to talk further?  Your advisors in ASC are here to help you find your way!  Drop by today!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Go Duuuuukes!!!

Duke Dog
We know it's a busy time in the semester,
Duke Dog just wanted to cheer you on!

Don't Forget that the JMU Career & Internship Fair is Tuesday, 2/21 from 12-4 in the Festival Ballroom!

Curious about what employers will be present?   Check out Recruit-a-Duke for the list of employers:


JMU CHOICES is still on...Let's welcome our new dukes!

The snow in the valley was just a dusting (although the southern areas received several inches)...JMU Choices is operating on the same schedule.  The College of Business session will start @ 10:30 in Wilson Auditorium!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Graduation Workshop TODAY (2/16) Taylor 404 @ 4pm!

Graduating but still have some questions?   The Registrar's office is holding a graduation workshop today so check it out!

Resume Roadshow TODAY (2/16) in Zane Showker 242, 4-6 pm!

Just a friendly reminder that Career & Academic Planning staff will be in Zane Showker 242 from 4-6pm today to review resumes in preparation for the Career & Internship Fair next Tuesday, 2/21!  Stop by with your resume for help!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality!

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others... You are the connection between possibility and expression. You are the miracle, the means through which thoughts and intentions are transformed into things and experiences.

By your living of it you make life happen. With your love you make life beautiful. In your every urge is great power. For you can act and achieve and fulfill, and give meaning to every moment. Give generously of yourself, never holding back, never being afraid that you're not good enough. Within you is goodness itself, along with the desire to express and to spread that goodness in your own special way.

Listen to the whisper of your spirit. Feel the beauty that is beautiful just because it is. Let go of the illusions that fill you with fear and doubt. Let go of the need to need. Feel the sweet freedom of simply allowing each unique and precious moment to be. Know the power of allowing your authentic intentions to come easily and naturally to life.

Let life come, without striving to force it. Let life come, and it will unfold with great abundance. The feeling you seek is already yours. If it was not, then how could you even know about it? Allow that feeling to live and breathe and grow and flow throughout your life. The life you wish to experience is yours when you let go and let it be.

Listen to those little inspirations that quietly sing to you. There is a reason why you hear them and feel their truth. Act in harmony with what you know is right and what you know is best. Instead of struggling against what is, ride joyously and successfully along with life's continuously unfolding possibilities. Let life come. And live the beauty as each new moment is born.
Today, life begins anew. Today, you are blessed with fresh, new opportunity. You can build on the best of what has been. You can look clearly and objectively at the limitations that have held you back, and find new ways to transcend them.

Today, you can make amazing progress. Today, you can reach higher than you've ever reached before. All your mistakes are behind you, and you've learned much from each one. All your experience is still with you, and you can use it in innovative new ways.

This day has begun, and with it comes your chance to make a difference. In these moments you can bring your dreams to life. From deep within your purpose, look out and see all the great possibilities. This is a day that's now here for you to live more richly than ever. This is life that's now yours to explore and experience and fulfill in ways that are truly miraculous.

Inspiration today by Ralph Marston

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! LIVE the life you've imagined! -Thoreau

Friday, February 10, 2012

JMU Career, Internship & Service Fair - Tuesday, February 21 from 12-4 in Festival Ballroom!

Don't miss this opportunity to visit with a variety of employers and make great connections...Be sure to dress professionally and bring resumes!

Check out the video on how to prepare for the event:


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

JMU Sophomore Accounting student Olivia Tomoff smiles for the camera as she completes her COB 300 application!   Application deadline is March 1 so drop by the ASC soon!!!

Marketing Meet & Greet Session - 2/15, 4-6 in ZS 242

     Marketing Students, Join us on February 15, 2012 for a “Meet & Greet” session with some faculty and ASC staff on Wednesday, February 15, 2012 in Zane Showker Hall, Room 242, from 4:00-6:00.  FREE FOOD!  Don't miss this opportunity to learn about about the Google Challenge, marketing internships and curriculum updates!  Drop on by to find out what is new!

Monday, February 6, 2012

February 14 - Assessment Day
No classes held 8-4
(evening classes are held)

Media & Communication Industry Networking Expo - JMU Festival - 2/15/12

Networking Prep Session:  5:30-6:00 (Festival Ballroom B)
Learn tips to take the work out of networking and how to make the most of the Industry Expo

Networking Reception:  6:00-7:00 (Festival Ballroom A)
Interact with a variety of industry professionals and build new contacts within the field.  Gain an insider's perspective on relevant and current industry knowledge.  Employers include: The Martin Agency, Digico, FRESH 96.1 FM, Immerge Technologies, among others...

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Thinking about Changing your Major?

Many college students change their major, and some dread telling their family about it. If you fall into this camp, don’t worry. If presented properly, you can solicit their support. Here are some techniques to help you break the ice and prepare for the conversation.

1. Start the conversation early.

The longer you wait, the more shocked your parent(s) will be. They might also be hurt that you did not seek their input. If you think you can wait because you view them as aloof and disinterested, be careful. They could just be acting this way because they do not want to directly influence your decision. Make no assumptions, and take the initiative to begin the discussion.

2. Focus on your common ground and understand that they have good intentions.

Both you and your family want you to be successful and happy. If they ask tough questions, it is only because they want to confirm that you are making an informed decision. Reframe this as a valuable resource rather than lecturing.

3. Lead with the facts instead of emotional appeals.

Identify the reasons you disliked your initial major. Then share the research you have collected about yourself and your options. If you met with or shadowed a professional in the field, share the information you acquired. This dispels the misconception that you made the decision impulsively, while also helping them learn more about your new program of study.

4. Celebrate the experience.

Mention that nearly half of all college students change their major before they graduate. This will help them understand that this exploration is not only common, but it is also beneficial. Tragically some college students ignore their dissatisfaction, only to have it surface later when it is too late. You, however, have had the courage to proactively look for alternatives, which will improve your motivation, concentration and chances of securing satisfactory employment after graduation.

5. Be realistic.

No career or academic program is perfect. Identify any disadvantages that surfaced in your research to demonstrate that you have examined it from every angle.

6. If some concerns still remain, identify the course of action you will take to address them.

For example, if you learned that the job outlook is only growing at an average rate in your new occupation, outline the internships, employment or co-curricular activities that you will pursue to gain a competitive edge.

7. Provide some peace of mind.

For instance, share that you will be meeting with an advisor to develop a plan of study to ensure that you do not need to extend your graduation date. This again conveys your careful analysis of the decision and reassures your family members that you will not incur additional tuition expenses as the result of the change. Also emphasize the activities you will pursue to verify your decision, such as finding a part-time job related to your new major or enrolling in an introductory class. Continue to share your confirmation over time in case they fear that you will be dissatisfied or change your mind again.

8. Provide specific examples of how they can learn about your new major or career.

Share with your parent(s) the websites that you have visited, such as your university’s catalog, O*Net or the Occupational Outlook Handbook.

9. Ask for their support.

Emphasize that you value your family’s input and hope that they can come to share your enthusiasm about the new career you have chosen.

10. Assess the importance of your own voice and the voice of others.

More than likely, your culture and background will influence your perceptions. Some Americans value independence, while others value communal decision making. Only you can determine the role and importance others will play in the process.

If you have shared with your parents that you changed your major, how did the conversation go? What tips or suggestions would you add to this list?

Written by Billie Streufert, Director of the Academic Success Center at the University of Sioux Falls in South Dakota.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Career Services in Zane Showker 219!

Chad Gensel Is Here!

Need assistance with your resume?  How about a few pointers before your interview?  Visit Chad Gensel, Career and Academic Planning liaison to COB, on Thursdays from 2:00-5:00 pm in Showker 219.